If you asked what I did for a living and I replied: “I provide copywriting solutions”, would you say: “Oooh that sounds interesting, please tell me more”?
No, you wouldn’t. You’d think it was a bit dull and that I don’t quite know what I actually do. And you’d be right. Because solutions is a nothing word. It’s business bullshit.
By definition it’s a means of solving a problem or dealing with a tough situation. But problem solving is what every organisation does, isn’t it?
So why not say what you really do before promising you have the solution?
Me? “I write the words that persuade people to buy stuff.” Short, sweet and to the point.
People have no time for vague. They want specifics. They want to know exactly what you do in a millisecond. Talk about solutions later.
In a local Google Maps search of the word, I found businesses that said…
- We provide financial solutions tailored to suit each individual client’s needs
- We are a leading provider of unique scaffolding solutions
- We supply and install renewable energy solutions
Do any of these sound catchy, or ground-breaking, or inviting to you?
Nope. They sound like a man in a suit wrote them because they sound professional.
No telling what they really do.
No thought for sounding appealing to customers.
And no regard for uniqueness in a world where so many businesses sell and do increasingly similar things.
“Nah, just stick the word solutions on the end and job done.”
To me, it’s a dirty word, and one I always strive to avoid. Even if clients ask for it, I’ll present a case why it’s simply a waste.
So if in doubt, leave it out. At the very least you’ll save nine characters from your signs.
I never knew about this.
Just like word stuff, solutions too sounds vague if I now think about it.
And this is making me feel bad because three months back, I penned a web copy for my SaaS client there I used “solutions” word .
How would you rewrite those boring taglines?
So glad you pointed this out and now I see “solutions” everywhere. Would love to know a couple of examples of how you would rewrite.
Now there is one problem. When I am writing for a tech company, this is one word that has all the SEO ticks. And that is why, to avert the mounting pressure on your back for better reach, I give in.
Loving your stuff man. Glad someone turned me on to your stuff. I wrote an LI post on this years ago ranting about how lame the copy was on accountants websites.
Check out this dynamic writing:
“Once an accounting firm and now a Family of Companies, XYZ is among the fastest growing professional services firms in the state. We are recognized as a leader in every area of service and have garnered numerous awards across industries. We pride ourselves on expert business support with comprehensive services that are customized to meet client needs.
We seamlessly integrate our diverse offerings for services that are efficient, cost-effective and convenient. With personal attention, professionalism and the utmost integrity, we serve our clients in beneficial ways that keep them coming back for more.”
They aren’t even focused on any one particular area or expertise. They are like the superhero EVERYMAN. They can do every thing for everybody.
You’ll find this kind of craziness on almost every accounting website you see.
Oh, and check out all the awards they have won! Nobody but them and their competitors know what they mean or the significance of their titles mean.
And on most of those sites you won’t see a list of benefits, like:
*Tax savings because they understand tax laws
*Avoiding costly mistakes
*Cost cutting insights from a team who deals with this daily.
* Help with loan applications
I could go on about this because it entertains me for some odd reason.
Anyway, gotta run, my friend.
God Bless!